Project Manager, Nexus Industrial Park
Anica Haynes is an environmental engineer with more than 15 years of experience centered on environmental consulting for the chemical, energy, industrial, and manufacturing industries, specializing in the permitting and compliance of energy infrastructure projects.
Anica has managed multi-state natural gas pipeline projects, crude and natural gas salt dome storage facilities, onshore and offshore depleted reservoir natural gas storage facilities, and electric generating and transmission projects throughout the United States and internationally Her experience covers environmental assessment, report preparation, and compliance; water and air permitting, compliance, and reporting; construction inspections and compliance oversight; and federal and state regulatory agency liaison and negotiations, specifically FERC 7(c) natural gas project permitting; preparation of NPDES, Section 10, Section 404, Section 401, coastal zone, and scenic rivers permits; and Title V air permit applications.
She has the permit application and construction compliance expertise necessary to ensure project compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, and she is experienced at navigating the complex and overlapping framework of regulations promulgated via the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as well as numerous state environmental and natural resource agencies.
Anica graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the Louisiana State University in 2000.